Untitled (three photographs, top, The 'Barges'; bottom right, at the Whittern, 1865; bottom left, the Font, Kington Church, Herefordshire; verso: five photographs, clockwise from top left, Ashford Church (missing from album); Choir of St. George's Windsor; Rochester Castle; Brenckburn Priory Northumberland; Kit's ? House, Aylesford, Maidstone)
Iorwerth Grey Lloyd
Photograph information:
Top, The 'Barges'
Bottom right, at the Whittern, 1865 (group of people in background with dog in foreground)
Bottom left, the Font, Kington Church, Herefordshire
Ashford Church (missing from album);
Choir of St. George's Windsor
Rochester Castle
Brenckburn Priory Northumberland
Kit's ? House, Aylesford, Maidstone
Album page with three albumen silver prints; verso: five albumen silver prints.