Untitled (photograph of a drawing labeled "Jove hurling Vulcan out of heaven." (Quod 'Dons' hominesque volunt); verso: two views of Oxford, St. Cross Church and churchyard, Holywell; Magdalen Bridge)
Iorwerth Grey Lloyd
Photograph information:
Photograph of a drawing labeled "Jove hurling Vulcan out of heaven. (Quod 'Dons' hominesque volunt).
Inscribed: "No. 5. Revd. J P. Lightfoot D.D. (then Vice Chancellor) expelling the G.W.R. mechanic from Oxford — where it was proposed to erect their carriage works."
St. Cross Church and churchyard, Holywell
Magdalen Bridge
Album page with albumen silver print; verso: two albumen silver prints.