Untitled (two photomechanical reproductions of the late Marchioness of Ailesbury; verso: Dowager Lady Filmer; Sir Robert Filmer Bt.)
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Sitter information:
Maria, the Marchioness of Ailesbury. Maria Elizabeth (d. 7 May 1893), daughter of the Honorable Charles Tollemache. Married 20 August 1833 as his second wife, Charles Brudenell-Bruce (14 February 1773-4 January 1856), 1st Marquess of Ailesbury KT.
Dowager Lady Filmer. Helen Monro, married Sir Edmund Filmer (1809-1859), 8th Baronet
Sir Robert Filmer (1903-1944) as a baby.
Album page with two photomechanical reproductions; verso: two albumen silver prints.