Untitled (Countess of Fife, seated, holding dog. Verso; H.R.H. Princess Louise of Lorne)
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Sitter information:
Countess of (Lady) Fife. Lady Agnes Georgiana Elizabeth Hay (d. 18 December 1869) daughter of the 17th Earl of Errol. Maried 16 March 1846 to James Carnegie 5th Earl of Fife KT, Lord Lieutenant of Banff.
H.R.H. Princess Louise of Lorne (18 March 1848-3 December 1939). Fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Married 21 July 1871 to the Marquess of Lorne [John Campbell (6 August 1845-2 May 1914)] who succeeded as the 9th Duke of Argyll on 24 April 1900. Princess Louise was an honorary fellow of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. She was also a talented sculptress and her statue of her mother stands outside Kensington Palace. The princess was an illustrator and engaged in journalism as Myra Fontenoy. Alway independently minded she left instructions when she died that she was to be cremated. This was carried out at Golders Green and her ashes were then buried at Frogmore.
Album page with albumen silver print, framed in brown and red paint; verso: albumen silver print.