Untitled (seven photographs, clockwise from upper left, Alfred (2 photos); Albert Edward; unidentifed man, seated holding book; unidentified man in uniform; Edward Saxe-Weimar, center, Augusta of Saxe Weimar)
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Sitter information:
Alfred. Prince Alfred Ernest Albert (1844-1900), second son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Shown in two photographs as a young man. In the top center he is wearing Midshipman's uniform. Created Duke of Edinburgh 24 May 1866. KG., KT., KP, GCB,. GCSI., GCMG., GCIE., Admiral of the Fleet, Admiral in the German Navy, General in the German Army. Elected King of Greece in 1862 but refused the crown on political grounds. The Duke became the Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha on 22 August 1893. Married 23 January 1874, Maria (d. 25 October 1920) second daughter of Alexander II of Russia.
Albert Edward (1841-1910), Prince of Wales.
Unidentified sitter
Unidentified sitter
Edward of Saxe Weimar. HRH Prince William August Edward (11 October 1823-16 November 1902), General in the British Army and Colonel in the First Life Guards. Grandson of Carl August, Grand Duke of Saxe Weimar-Eisenau. Married 27 November 1851 to Lady Augusta Gordon Lennox (d. 3 April 1904) who was created Countess von Dannberg 26 November 1851, but was recognized in Great Britain as Princess Edward of Saxe Weimar.
Augusta of Saxe Weimar. Lady Augusta Gordon Lennox (d. 3 April 1904), married to Edward of Saxe Weimar 27 November 1851.
Album page with seven albumen silver prints. Name inscriptions of Prince Alfred and Prince Albert Edward may be autographs.