Untitled (four photographs, Albert Edward and Alexandra, "Park Lane" (Prince's horse); verso: eight photographs, Miss Hawley; Hon.Mrs. (?) Hall; Lady Sophia (?); Lord Edw. Cavendish ; Lord Algernon E. Lennox; Lady Edw. Cavendish; Lady Alice (?), Lord (?)
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Sitter information:
Albert Edward (1841-1910), Prince of Wales
Alexandra (1844-1925), Princess of Wales
Miss Hawley
Honorable Mrs. (?) Hall
Lady Sophia (?)
Lord Edward Cavendish (28 January 1838-18 May 1891). Third son of the 7th Duke of Devonshire. MP for West Derbyshire 1860-1865. Married 3 August 1865 to Emma, fourth daughter of the Right Honorable William Lascelles.
Lord Algernon E. Lennox (19 September 1847-1921). Second son of the 6th Duke of Richmond. Colonel Coldstream Guards, ADC to HRH Duke of Cambridge 1883-1885. Married 31 August 1886 to Blanche, DBE., (d. 17 August 1945) second daughter of Colonel Hon. Charles Maynard.
Lady Edward Cavendish. Emma (d. 24 September 1920), fourth daughter of the Right Honorable William Lascelles.
Lady Alice (?)
Lord (?)
Album page with four albumen silver prints and ink inscriptions; verso: album page with eight albumen silver prints and ink inscriptions.