Antichità Romane de' Tempi della Repubblica e de' primi Imperatori
1720 - 1778
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Includes the following plates in this order:
Title Plate (Wilton-Ely 103)
pl. 2 Dedication to Giovanni Bottari (W-E 104)
pl. 3 Transcription of various ancient Latin inscriptions (W-E 105)
pl. 4 Transcription of various ancient Latin inscriptions and index (W-E 106)
pl. 5 Part of the Forum of Nerva (W-E 108)
pl. 6 Arch of Titus, etc. (W-E 109)
pl. 7 Temple of Jupiter Tonans; Temple of Concord (W-E 110)
pl. 8 Arch of Drusus at the Porta S. Sebastiano in Rome (W-E 111)
pl. 9 Arch of Constantine in Rome (W-E 112)
pl. 10 Ruins of the Temple of Jupiter Stator... (W-E 113)
pl. 11 Temple of Janus (W-E 114)
pl. 12 Flavian Amphitheater, called the Colosseum... (W-E 115)
pl. 13 Arch of Septimus Severus... (W-E 116)
pl. 14 Senatorial Bridge, today called the Ponte Rotto... (W-E 117)
pl. 15 Forum of Augustus (W-E 118)
pl. 16 Roman Antiquities outside Rome drawn and etched by Giambat'ta Piranesi, Venetian Architect, Part Two (W-E 119)
pl. 17 The Bridge at Rimini built by the Emperors Augustus and Tiberius (W-E 120)
pl. 18 The Arch at Rimini built by Augustus (W-E 121)
pl. 19 Tomb of the Scipios (W-E 122)
pl. 20 Part of the ancient Appian Way about three miles outsde Porta S. Sebastiano (W-E 123)
pl. 21 Tomb of Caecilia Metella called Capo di Bove (W-E 124)
pl. 22 Temploe of Pola in Istria (W-E 125)
pl. 23 Rear View of the Temple of Pola in Istria... (W-E 126)
pl. 24 Arch of Pola in Istria near the Gate (W-E 128)
pl. 25 Amphitheater of Verona (W-E 129)
pl. 26 Temple of Clitumnus between Foligno and Spoleto (W-E 130)
pl. 27 Tomb of the three Curiatii brothers in Albano (W-E 131)
pl. 28 Arch of Trajan in Ancona (W-E 132)
pl. 29 Arch of Galienus... (W-E 133)
[not included: W-E 107, 127]