Mold made lamp with concentric ring base. Broad, flat reservoir with slightly curved, flaring walls. Moderately rounded rim, ringed with what appears to be stylized vegetation, probably the tops of acanthus leaves. A circular wreath appears above the nozzle. Slightly concave discus with a curly-haired man in a toga, standing and facing forward. In his right hand he holds a long palm branch. He clasps the front of his toga with his left hand. Filling hole on viewer's right side. Mid-length nozzle with rounded triangular tip. Small volutes at edge of nozzle flank circular wick hole. Pierced handle broken above rim. Underside of handle with central groove and volutes at lowest point of join with reservoir, abutting ring base.
Partly legible cursive inscription on underside of reservoir along left side of lamp: . . AELORVM
Orangish-tan, heavy fabric with beige particle inclusions. Slip ranges from a muted orange to a chocolate brown color. Charring at tip of nozzle. Chipping on base and underside.
Roman Imperial period