Young Woman with Fan
Standing figurine dressed in young woman's clothing. Short-sleeved chiton belted below chest, himation draped shawl-like across back, held in both hands. Patterned fan in right hand. Casual posture with slightly bowed head, weight shifted to left. Hair is done up in melon style, with broad, braided bun. Traces of red on hair and fan, in palmetto pattern. Undetailed back. Extensive damage to figure repaired with plaster. Section of left leg and drapery as well as the left foot are missing.
Figurine is broken in many places and repaired with glue. Several pieces missing, including large part of skirt on left side. Glued to base.
Hard, pale, reddish brown clay; remains of white slip; traces of red pigment.
Terracotta, remains of white slip.
Hellenistic period