Standing Woman, Proto-Phi Type
Complete figurine in good condition.
Standing woman, facing forward, dressed in a long garment. Pinched-out head, flat on top, with large nose, and dotted pallets for eyes. Disk-shaped upper body is edged by plastically modeled arms; the left curls up between the plastic breasts, while the right rests on her abdomen. The lower body is a short tapering cylinder. Slightly concave base flares out with a narrow, rounded lip.
Covered in white wash (some extant) and decorated with red pigment. A thick band at the neck is perhaps a necklace. Wavy vertical lines across the chest become straight lines at the stem and might represent the folds of drapery.
Solid. Handmade.
Pinkish clay, finely levigated and hard-fired.
Helladic period, Late Helladic III