Standing Warrior
Mostly complete figurine; missing ornament at crown, and part of the base.
Standing warrior, fully dressed. Short hair rolled back from the face and worn up, with some sort of ornament at the crown. Rounded head, cocked slightly to the left, but looking forward. Regular, soft features; eyes have a defined upper lid. Longish neck, separate from the body. Slight S-curve through body, with right leg engaged, and the left bent and stepping forward. The left arm bends at the elbow and is brought up to chest holding a short sword or dagger, sharp, pointing down. The right arm is kept close to the body at the side, with a long, oval shied strapped to it and facing back. The shield is decorated with the head of a gorgon rendered in relief. Short-sleeved tunic under muscle cuirass. Additionally, a long mantle or himation drapes over the left shoulder, falling over the left thigh and covering the right leg fully; at back, it covers most of the body, falling from the left shoulder. Left leg exposed; no greaves. Feet are bare. Circular base.
Would have been painted originally, now only traces of white ground extant.
Hollow. Mold-made in several bivalve molds, plaster. Back is fully modeled; intended to be viewed in the round.
Maroon clay.
Hellenistic period