Standing Woman with Veiled Head
Mostly complete figurine, with a few cracks and part of the base missing.
Standing young woman, draped. Rounded face, indistinct, looking down and center. She wears a long chiton with vertical folds, and a closely wrapped himation (or mantle) pulled over her head as a veil. Her right arm goes up to the chest in a sling created by the mantle, while her left arm pulls the fabric forward. Left leg engaged, right leg bent and pointed back; plain shoes. Both face and pose are serene and demure.
Would have been painted originally, now only traces of white ground extant.
Hollow and light. Mold-made in two bivalve molds, likely plaster. Simple, yet fluid folds; the back is modeled but shallow. Seams are well-concealed. No venthole. Attached to a square, narrow base.
Dark, pinkish red clay, finely levigated.
Hellenistic period