Standing nude, male youth
Standing male youth, nude, with a cloak draped over his shoulders and arms, covering his right arm completely and leaving his left forearm uncovered.
The figure stands on a rectangular base. He stands, posed in a slight S-curve: his right hip juts slightly forward, to the figure’s right side. The left leg is slightly forward, with a slight bend at knee. The torso responds to this pose, with right pectoral slightly forward.The figure’s left shoulder is exaggerated in size and the left arm hangs down his side, with his left hand resting on an indistinct vertical feature. His right arm hangs straight down. The musculature of torso is softly modeled: pectorals are visible, as is a slight swell of lower abdomen; genitals are indistinct.
The head has been (re)attached in the middle of the neck and may not be original to this object. The facial features are not very distinct; grey and black paint blot the eyes. Clean-shaven, though a darker coloration (pigment? discoloration?) is present across cheek to chin. Curls frame the face, with the hair forming a helmet like-shape; the hair has a dark red coloring. He wears a pointed, conical hat (pilos), painted red. The back of head is flat.
Hollow. Mold-made. Back not modeled. Rectangular vent hole.
Hard reddish clay, well-levigated. Traces of pink pigment; traces of white slip in grooved/recessed areas. Reddish patch on right shoulder and upper back: kiln blush?
Other mends are visible: mended breaks run from upper third of vent down behind left arm, then down left leg; another mended break runs above feet/above plinth (all around); a loss (infilled?) at front of plinth.
Terracotta with slip and pigment.
Classical period