Black-figure Neck Amphora
Side A: Hermes presents a lyre to Apollo. Side B: Herakles wrestles with the Nemean lion; Iolaus and a maiden watch.
From card catalogue:
Black figure Neck amphora. Small. Attic. : Rim: reserved. Lip: Black. Handle: double rib black. Neck: Intertwined vine and leaf. Shoulder: Parallel radiating lines. Side zones: Palmette and volute, lotus.
A. Hermes standing left. Youth in center, playing stringed instrument. Woman stands at right. B. Bearded man with staff faces right at left. Herakles wrestles with lion in center. Woman at right.
Below: Vine leaf, rays. Foot: Black. Rim: Reserved.
Condition: Extensively mended.
Archaic period