Fragment of Amphora (storage vessel): Chariot scene
Attributed to The Antimenes Painter
Fragment from an Attic, black-figure amphora. On the body, a harnessing scene with four figures. At the left, a nude man holds the reigns of harnessed horses. In the center, a warrior wearing a Corinthian helmet walks to the right and looks back towards the horse that he leads. To the right stands a charioteer in profile bearded and wearing a long white chiton. The final figure is only partially visible, his legs and left hand facing towards the harnessed horses.
The figural panel is bordered on the top by a lotus palmette band and on the bottom by a leftward key meander. Added red is used to highlight details, namely the horses's manes and hair.
The fragment is repaired from several smaller fragments and was mended in antiquity with a metal clamp.
Archaic period