Lekythos (oil flask): Chariot Scene
Broken at shoulder, with upper part missing. Black graze is abraded. Incisions and drawing are hasty and careless. At rim, a zone of dots between two narrow bands. On body, a figure wearing chiton and himation and fillet in hair (krobylos), preparing to mount a chariot drawn by four horses, holding a goad in his right hand and reins in his left; one foot is in the chariot. Behind the horses, a winged figure in long drapery (indistinct); at horses' heads a siren wearing a short chiton, holding a horse's head in left hand. Below design, narrow and broad black bands. The lower two-thirds of the vase, except part of rim of foot, is solid black. White on horses' manes and tails, and wings and tails, on wings and chiton of winged figure.
Terracotta with white slip
Archaic period, Late, to Early Classical