Head of Ramses in the Guise of Amun
The ruler wears the flat red crown of lower Egypt. The two plumes indicating the crown of Amun are missing and were probably made of separate material. There is a "u" shaped indentation in the top of the head where the plumes would have been attached. The left ear is mostly broken away; the right ear protrudes. The pillar attached to the back of the head is inscribed with a royal cartouche. The extant part of the cartouche bears the sun disk and the top of the hieroglyphs for Ramses II or III. The bottom of the cartouche is broken. The eyes are heavily outlined and almond shaped. A small bit of polychrome is still visible on the upper left side of the support.
The head is broken at the neck. The bottom of the false beard is missing and the nose is chipped.
New Kingdom, Dynasty 19