Second and Third Articles of the Apostles' Creed
Unidentified Artist
This tapestry is a fragment of the first panel in a series dedicated to the Apostles' Creed. The lower part of the tapestry shows the Adoration of the Magi set in a makeshift brick structure. A cloth of honor is lowered behind the Virgin. To the left of the brick wall we see servants with horses. The Apostle Andrew, shown in the act of writing on a banderole, appears on the lower left. His banderole reads: ET IN IHESUM XPRISTUM FILIUM EIUS UNICU DOMIUM NOSTUM [Apostles' Creed] ("And Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord." The upper part of the tapestry shows the Annunciation on the left and the Nativity of Christ on the right. The prophet Isaiah, placed in the upper center, holds a banderole which reads: ECCE VIRGO CONCIPIET ET PARIET FILIUM ("Behold the Virgin conceived and brought forth a son"). On the extreme right appears the apostle James the Elder, holding a banderole inscribed with the words: QUI CONCEPTUS EST DE SPIRITU SANCTO NATUS EX MARIA VIRGINE [Apostles' Creed] ("Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary"). The tapestry was cut down and a narrow border with colored gemstones was added at a later date. A wider border containing flowers was added to the upper left corner. The original tapestry would have been taller and much wider and would have also included the first and fourth articles of the Creed.
Wool and silk