Sketches of a Falcon Attacking a Bird, a Seated Man, and a Noblewoman on a Bed, Accompanied by an Attendant
Attributed to The Kota Master
grabbed the bird at the base of its neck, while its talons grip the lower half of the bird’s body. The bird’s wings are spread and its mouth agape. In the center of the page is a seated man executed in red ink. He sits with his legs folded under him and his hands clasped on his lap. He wears a turban, a long robe (jama) and a waist sash (patka) with a punch dagger (katar) tucked into it. He has a long beard and heavy-lidded eyes. On this right is a noblewoman reclining on a bed. An attendant, who exists in the form of a light sketch, hovers over her. The top and bottom of the page have swirls and scribbles executed in a variety of colors. These bold lines signify the artist testing colors and strokes, as well as adjusting the amount of pigment held in the brushes. Rajput Style, Kota School.
Ink and opaque watercolor on paper; Rajput Style, Kota School