Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, and Hanuman Being Worshiped by a Crowd, drawing for a Ramayana
Attributed to The Kota Master
In this drawing, Rama and his wife, Sita, sit on a covered platform. Rama has a quiver on his back and holds a bow and arrow. Behind Rama and Sita is Rama’s brother, Lakshmana, who also carries a bow and arrow. Standing in front of Rama is the monkey god Hanuman. The platform faces a large crowd of people, who pay their respects to the group by prostrating or clasping their hands in prayer. The drawing depicts one of the final scenes of the Hindu epic, the Ramayana, in which Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita have returned from a fourteen-year exile after rescuing Sita from the demon-king Ravana, with the help of Hanuman. Rajput Style, Kota School.
Ink and opaque white watercolor on paper; Rajput Style, Kota School