A Mughal and a Rajput Converse at Dusk
16th century
Attributed to Basawan
Under a red canopy in a gated, outdoor setting, are two figures in conversation. On the left is a Mughal who sits with his legs folded under him. He wears a blue and gold turban, a brown robe (jama), and a waist sash (patka). Tucked into his sash is a punch dagger (katar). His right hand is raised in conversation. The attendant behind the Mughal, dressed in a purple robe and turban, holds a white scarf above the Mughal’s head, denoting his royal status. However, the identity of the Mughal figure remains uncertain. He is receiving visitation from a Rajput, identifiable by his turban, facial hair, and darker complexion. He wears long-stranded necklaces, a seafoam green robe, and a patterned waist sash. He sits on a floral carpet with his legs also folded under him. The background is filled with large trees and flowers.
Opaque watercolor and gold on paper
Mughal period