Breastplate or Backplate of a Char’aina (Cuirass)
This plate is part of a pair with 1959.201.A. The plates, made of steel, were part of a char’aina, a type of cuirass that consists of four plates: two for the sides of the body, one for the front, and one for the back. This plate was either intended to be the breast- or backplate. It is rectangular in shape with a concave top. The center of the plate is undecorated and is surrounded by a thick border of flowers, leaves, and arabesques executed in gold false-damascening. Riveted to the plate are four steel buckles. The buckles, along with leather straps that are now missing, would have held the plates together. The buckles are decorated with patterns in gold false-damascening. The back of the plate is missing its lining.
Steel, gold
Mughal period