“Khitmutghar (in Winter Dress)”
Set against a plain background is a male figure. He wears a dark green robe with a maroon waist sash. The low neck exposes a shirt with a light blue grid that has red dots in the middle of each square. The robe reaches just above the ankle, exposing a cream-colored fabric with pink flowers. He wears maroon-colored slippers with split toes. He carries in front of him a white dray with a blue container. Tucked under his left arm is a fly whisk. He has a long beard and his hair goes just past his ears and curls up. He wears a pink hat. Underneath the depiction, written in cursive and black ink is: “Khitmutghar (in winter dress”). The term identifies the figure as a manservant. Company School.
Watercolor and ink on paper; Company School