Bhairavi Ragini, Illustration from a Ragamala (Garden of Melodies) Series
The picture plane is divided into four sections. The top consists of a band of gold flowering plants against a yellow ground. The next features a lush landscape with different types of trees and birds. The center plane depicts a female devotee worshipping at a multi-domed shrine dedicated to Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction. Here, he is represented in the form of a white lingam, which rests inside a white yoni base. She sits on deer skin, a reference to Shiva, and holds cymbals in her hand to keep time while she is chanting hymns. On the other side of the shrine are two other female devotees who carry offerings. The final plane has a pond filled with lotuses, which is flanked by two Shaivite ascetics. The one on the left is a bare-chested figure with a bull, which probably references Nandi, Shiva’s bull and vehicle (vahana). On the right is an ascetic (sadhu) siting in full lotus pose (padmasana) on tiger skin, a reference to Shiva. His right arm rests on a short crutch (fakir’s crutch), while he prays with his rosary. Rajput, Rajasthani.
Opaque watercolor and gold on paper.