Abhisarika Nayika Entering a Forest
The Abhisarika Nayika is a heroine that sets aside her modesty and moves out of her home, braving all kinds of difficulties, to secretly meet her lover. Here, under the moonlight, she is about to enter a forest on the left. She wears a long white dress, a striped shawl that covers her hair and is draped around her shoulders, a head ornament, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and armlets. Her left hand holds an edge of her shawl, while her right hand is held to her chin, signifying her fear and hesitation of journeying into a forest in the dark. Two quails stand near her. A female attendant sees the nayika off. The attendant wears a pale yellow dress with a long yellow shawl with gold dots that covers her head and shoulders. In the foreground is a silvery pond covered with lily pads and lotus blossoms. Pahari Style, Kangra School.
Opaque watercolor and gold on paper; Pahari Style, Kangra School