Prayer Carpet
Prayer carpet with red field, two amulets, bottom of side borders not resolved. Two amulet motifs.
Warps: 2 Z spun S plied undyed ivory wool; warps on one level. Wefts: 1 Z spun yarn, in 1 + 1 construction in red and darker red wool. Pile: 2 Z spun S plied wool. Pile colors: red, light orange, yellow, blue-green, blue, purple, undyed ivory, black/brown (corrosive). Knots: symmetrical. 34 knots per vertical decimeter; 35 knots per horizontal decimeter; 1190 knots per square decimeter. Both selvedges: 4 flat bundles of 2 warps each wrapped in red weft wool. Top: 3/5 cm. of tapestry weave with approximately 1 cm. right to left flat transverse warp braid. Bottom: 1.5 cm. red tapestry weave, stripped.