Running Prince with Matchlock, Accompanied by Two Attendants
Attributed to The Kota Master
The prince in the center is rendered in profile and carries his matchlock gun at his waist and runs over to the figure on the right. The prince wear a long jama (robe), necklaces, armlets, an earring, and a turban decorated with strands of pearls and plumes. He has a thin mustaches and distinct, flared sideburn. His silhouette has been reworked by the artist, leaving tracings of shadowy ink outlines that would have been hidden underneath opaque paint in a finished work. A sketch of an attendant appears on the left and behind the prince. On the right is another attendant. He holds his matchlock gun upright and by the barrel with his right hand, and a camouflaging hunting shield with his left. Tucked into the sash around his waist is a katar (punch dagger) and a conch shell-shaped powder flask. Peering from behind him on both sides is a long talwar sword. Rajput Style, Kota School.
Ink and opaque watercolor on paper; Rajput Style, Kota School