Brick Stamp of Fortunatus, slave of Q. Oppius Iustus
Orbicular stamp, with Latin text: Q OPPI IVSTI FORTVNAT SER FEC / VERO III ET AMB / COS ("Fortunatus, slave of Quintus Oppius Iustus, made (this), in the third consulship of Verus and the first of Ambibulus"). The stamp marks the brick as a product of Fortunatus, the slave of the yard-master Quintus Oppius Iustus, in the year 126 CE. Oppius was a yard-master for both the elder and younger Domitiae Lucillae, mother and daughter. Domitia Lucilla the daughter married M. Annius Verus, son of the consul of 126 CE, and was mother of the emperor Marcus Aurelius, who by inheritance brought these brickyards into the imperial patrimony around 155 CE.
Roman Imperial period, Middle