Tunic Fragment with Birds, Flowers, Lions, and Dancers
This tunic fragment features two short clavi (shoulder bands) terminating in pendants containing blue medallions with a red border. The main field of the fragment features a design of alternating blue and red roundels: blue roundels with red borders contain yellow and red animals, probably lions; red roundels contain nude human dancers wearing the scarves or implements characteristic of members of Dionysus’ retinue. Two thin dark blue tendrils emerge from each roundel, indicating the medallions are composed of vines, a common compositional motif. Separating the small roundels are red and blue candelabra plants flanked by a pair of green birds with crests (probably quails or peahens). Inside the narrow rectangular field between the two clavi, interlacing thick red and yellow vine scrolls or garlands contain spiky green flower buds. Below the pair of vines/garlands, blue birds with crests and red wings flank large green flowers/jewels and baskets with red fruits suspended from the vines above. The top of the fragment features a geometric meander design created in the flying shuttle technique of supplementary weft wrapping. A dark blue wave scroll border runs around the clavi.
Wool and linen
Byzantine period