Housing, Industrial: Canada. Ontario. Toronto. Toronto Housing Company: Cottage Flats: Row Dwellings: Plan No. 5: Toronto Housing Company: Number 5 is the largest of the ground floor flats. With large living-room, pantry-kitchen, three bedrooms, verandah and basement it provides the accommodation of a six-roomed house. The rent is $23.00 or $24.00 a month according to location. See diagram mounted on accompanying card: Nos. 9 and 29 (three courts) are $23.00 per month. Nos. 1 and 37 (three courts) are $24.00 per month. Nos. 39, 41, 63, 65 (three courts) have been leased to the Local Council of Women to be rented by them to business women.
Unidentified Artist