Amulet Case (Gau) with Face of Glory (Kirtimukha), Mid–20th century
Pair of Women’s Earplugs (Dhungri), Early 20th century
Ceremonial Collar Necklace (Suta or Konchi) Depicting Seated Buddhas, Early 20th century
Portable Shrine (Gau) with Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, Late 18th century
Arch, or Halo, for a Sculpture (Prabhamandala), with Face of Glory (Kīrtimukha), 15th century
Pendant with Face of Glory (kīrtimukha), Late 19th century
Amulet Case (Jantar) Depicting Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon (Mahishasuramardini), 19th century
Woman's Amulet Case (Jantar) Depicting a Buddhist Deity, Early 19th century
Writing Set with Face of Glory (Kīrtimukha), Mid–19th century
Ceremonial Collar Necklace (Suta or Konchi) with Face of Glory (Kirtimukha), Late 18th - early 19th century
Pair of Earrings with Face of Glory (Kirtimukha), Late 18th-early 19th century
Ornament Depicting Vishnu Riding on Garuda, 18th-19th century
Pair of Earrings Depicting Vishnu Riding on Garuda, 18th-19th century
Ornament with Seated Four-Armed Deity, Late 17th–early 18th century
Hair Ornament Depicting Durga, Late 18th–early 19th century
Hair Ornament (Lunya Swan) with a Peacock, Butterflies, and Flowers, Late 19th century
Pair of Women’s Earrings (Chepti Sun), Mid–19th century
Necklace (Tayo), Late 19th–early 20th century
Forehead Ornament (SirBindi) Depicting Vishnu, 18th-19th century
Pair of Fanlike Hair Ornaments (Nyapu Sikha), Late 19th–early 20th century