The Beginning, 1946
Barnett Newman
Labourers, January 1, 1789
George Stubbs
Lace Curtain for Mayor Daley, 1968
Barnett Newman
Coverlet, 1838
Archibald Davidson
Woman in Profile, Turned Right, 1898/99
Paula Modersohn-Becker
Still-Life with a Green Flower Vase, c. 1902
Paula Modersohn-Becker
Civilisovaná Zena / Zivilisierte Frau (The Civilized Woman), 1929–1930
Zdenek Rossman
Mořsky průvan (The Sea Breeze), 1925
Karel Teige
Brigada khudozhnikov (Artist's Brigade), 1931: No. 4 (August? 1931)
El Lissitzky
Pamiati pogibshikh vozhdei (Memorial to Fallen Leaders), 1927
Gustav G. Klutsis
Na borbu s khuliganstvom v literature (The Battle against Hooliganism in Literature), 1926
Gustav G. Klutsis
Uber das Geistige in der Kunst (About the Spiritual in Art), 1912
Vasily Kandinsky
Zement (Cement), 1927
John Heartfield
Das Leben der Autos (Life of the Automobile), 1930
John Heartfield
Erste Russiche Kunstaustellung (First Russian Art Exhibition), 1922
El Lissitzky
Ispaniia. !No Pasaran! (Spain! They Shall Not Pass!), 1937
El Lissitzky
Petrolejári (The Oil Men), 1937
John Heartfield
Leidweg der Liebe (Love's Pilgrimage), 1930
John Heartfield
Zehn Tage, die die Welt erschütterten (Ten Days That Shook The World), 1927
John Heartfield
John Heartfield und die Kunst der Photomontage, 1957
John Heartfield