Portrait Head of a Woman, 117-30
Ancient Roman
Portrait Head of Emperor Hadrian, 130-138
Ancient Roman
Head of Mars, 2nd century
Ancient Roman
Statue of a Seated Woman, 2nd century
Ancient Roman
Statue of the Aphrodite of Knidos, 2nd century
Ancient Roman
Relief of a Falling Warrior, 2nd century
Ancient Roman
Portrait Head of a Man, Mid–3rd century
Ancient Roman
Portrait Head of a Young Woman, 130-40
Ancient Roman
Torso of a Youth, 1st-2nd century
Ancient Roman
Portrait Head of a Philosopher, Second half of the 2nd century
Ancient Roman
Portrait Head of a Youth, 14-68, reworked by the late 4th-early 5th century
Ancient Roman
Side Panel of a Sarcophagus, First half of the 3rd century
Ancient Roman
Table Rim Fragments, 4th century
Attachments Depicting Busts of Silenoi, Mid 1st century BCE-mid 1st century CE
Ancient Roman
Cameo Portraying Tiberius, 14-37 (cameo); 1525-1550 (mount)
Ancient Roman
Cameo Portraying Emperor Claudius as Jupiter, Cameo: Roman, mid-first century
Mount: Italian, late 16th century
Ancient Roman
Statuette of Hercules, Mid–late 1st century
Ancient Roman
Statuette of an Enthroned Figure, 1st century
Ancient Roman
Mirror, 2nd century
Ancient Roman
Lamp, Mid–1st century
Ancient Roman