Kneeling actor and standing beauty holding a tray of clothes, from the series "Fuji in Summer Matched with Beautiful Women (Natsu no Fuji bijin awase)", 1801
Utagawa Toyokuni I
Untitled, 1960
Lee Bontecou
Statuette of Venus, About 2nd century
Ancient Roman
Flying Triangles Rug, 1982
Elizabeth Browning Jackson
Painful (Itaso), from the series "Thirty-two Aspects of Women (Fuzoku sanjuniso)", 1888
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
E-1: English Great Room of the Late Tudor Period, 1550-1603, c. 1937
Narcissa Niblack Thorne
Untitled, 2009, printed 2017
Mikiko Hara
No. 3 (san), from the series "Women Engaged in the Sericulture Industry (Joshoku kaiko tewaza-gusa)", c. 1798/1800
Kitagawa Utamaro
No. 8 (hachi), from the series "Women Engaged in the Sericulture Industry (Joshoku kaiko tewaza-gusa)", c. 1798/1800
Kitagawa Utamaro
Casket Depicting Scenes from the Old Testament, 1668
Rebecca Stonier Plaisted
Concerned Women, 1995
Jay Wolke
Bernese Women, n.d.
Touch, 2002
Janine Antoni
Woman with Dog (Frau mit Hund), 2004
Katharina Fritsch
Tobacco Premium Quilt, 1913
Theresa Zett Smith
No. 1 (ichi), from the series "Women Engaged in the Sericulture Industry (Joshoku kaiko tewaza-gusa)", c. 1798/1800
Kitagawa Utamaro
The Jazz Wall, 1963
A Wife of the Middle Rank (Chubon no nyobo), from the series "A Guide to Women's Contemporary Styles (Tosei onna fuzoku tsu)", c. 1801/02