“You tramp! I would like to see you drown in your beer! Leaving me alone like that with my three children, he gives me twelve sous, and when he comes back in the evening, he asks for his change!,” plate 48 from Moeurs Conjugales, 1842
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
“- I bought this ground at 1 franc per square meter, and I'll sell it again at 9 francs. - To whom? - The name does not matter as long as I make 8 francs on the square meter... after all, it's not excessive, a square meter on the Boulevard Montmartre costs 600 francs! - Yes, but this section here is uninhabited. - What do you mean, there are more than 20'000 rabbits living here,” plate 1 from Les Spéculateurs, 1857
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Porcelain figure from China (taken from the private collection of Mr. Charles Philipon), plate 416, 1834
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
The Collector of Cigar Stubs. “When will these buggers finally have finished smoking! They're bailiff's clerks; they smoke until the ashes are left. No way to squeeze a centime out of them,” plate 4 from Bohémiens De Paris, 1841
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Albert, Railway, and Victoria Bridges, plate six from the Clyde Set, 1889
David Young Cameron
Ixion, from Album I, 1955, published 1959
Victor de Vasarely
Victoria Castle, 1843
Elizabeth Murray
Victoria Club, 1879/87
James McNeill Whistler
Victoria Castle and the Val of Shanganagh, Dún Laoghaire, 1843
Elizabeth Murray
Agandecca, French Warrior, Starno, after The Apotheosis of French Heroes Who Died for Their Country during the War for Liberty, 1821
Hyacinthe Louis Aubry-Lecomte
Physiology of Drinking: The Four Ages, 1862, printed 1920
Charles Maurand
Untitled (7.12.83), 1983
Oliver Lee Jackson
Plate Six from Misery, 1851
Charles Rambert
Finding the Scottish Regalia (recto), and Study, Queen Victoria and First Parliament (verso), c. 1835
David Wilkie
Double Portrait of François Heurtier and His Wife Marie-Victoire Jobbé in Profile, 1801
Sophie Regnault
Covered Bowl and Stand, c. 1750
Mennecy Factory
Untitled, from the series "Ostrava", 1994
Viktor Kolář
The Street Singers, 1862
Charles Maurand
City Victoria, Hong-Kong, c. 1868
John Thomson
Pont-Neuf and the Samaritaine Seen from Under the First Arch of the Pont-au-Change, Paris, 1855