Indian Pipes, 1946
Victoria Hutson Huntley
Study of a Tree, 1816
Jean Victor Bertin
Seal of the Fine Arts Federation of New York, 1890–1908
Victor David Brenner
Norman Wait Harris Prize medal, 1909
Victor David Brenner
A Small Queue at the Entrance to the Palace of Industry. “- But I am telling you that I have a special entry permit! - Quite so, and this is why you are allowed to queue up already at the Obelisk.... otherwise you would have to start on the other side, close to the Etoile.... incidentally why not have a bite to eat while you are waiting... there is a charming little restaurant half way, plate 7 from Les Etrangers à Paris, 1844
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Mr. Prudhomme: “- Obnoxious waves.... don't you know whom you are carrying in this moment?... oh audacious... know I shall, like Xerxes, whip you terribly.” Mme Prudhomme: (shivering of fear) “- Pray, my dear friend, do not offend the sea any longer... you might wake its fury and it might devour us completely!,” plate 1 from Impressions nautiques, 1859
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
The Recruiting Board. “Isn't it a glorious sight: these noble young Frenchmen full of ardour, strength and elegance ready to defend their honour under the flags of Mars,” plate 35 from Caricatures Du Jour, 1842
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
The Descent of the Courtille in 1855, plate 165 from Actualités, 1855
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
The Pamela Hat. “You are perfectly right Madame to adopt this ravishing form of a new hat...... especially from the side it matches beautifully your physiognomy.....!,”plate 76 from Les Beaux Jours De La Vie, 1845
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
More marvels from the diamond hypnotist. Or, how to make the ladies pose in society in exhausting and not very gracious positions, plate 137 from Actualités, 1860
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
An Unpleasant Encounter. “Bernardel, Bernardel! Here comes the steamer... we will sink!,” plate 16 from Les Canotiers Parisiens, 1843
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Altai, from Album I, 1955, published 1959
Victor de Vasarely
A passenger having paid his ticket to NEW YORK on the LEVIATHAN, waiting for the ship finally being put into the water, plate 479 from Actualités, 1858
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
A Scientist Trying to Befriend His Son with a Great Kangaroo from Central America, plate 3 from La Société D'acclimatation, 1858
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
“I am living a little high up... but at least I am enjoying a beautiful view,” plate 8 from Les Bons Bourgeois, 1846
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Damn Boots! That Will Teach Me to Take Smaller Steps...” plate 6 from Coquetterie, 1839
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Victoria Vase, 1982
Marco Zanini
Cassiopée, from Album I, 1955, published 1959
Victor de Vasarely
Norman Wait Harris Prize medal, 1909
Victor David Brenner
Father Molé bringing New Years gifts to little Thiers, plate 62 from Actualités, 1850
Honoré-Victorin Daumier