Traveling Tartar Family, Near Yalta, Crimea, August 15, 1837, 1840
Denis Auguste Marie Raffet
Resting Travelers, n.d.
Augustus Wall Callcott
Tourrette sur Loup, France, Travel Sketch, 1970
Ralph E. Johnson
Bay of Tunis Through Porthole of Steamship Fürst Bismark, Tunisia, North Africa, Travel Sketch, 1896
Daniel Hudson Burnham
Travel across the attentive population, plate 413, 1834
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Claes Oldenburg Preserves the Water Tower, Chicago, Illinois, Travel Sketch, 1997
Benjamin H. Weese
Dawn Snow at the Port of Ogi, Sado (Yuki no akebono, Sado Ogi wan), from the series "Souvenirs of Travel, Second Series (Tabi miyage dai nishu)", December 1921
Kawase Hasui
Soissons Cathedral, Soissons, France, Travel Sketch, Dec. 9, 1922
Norman Joseph Schlossman
Villa Rotonda, Vincenza, Italy, Travel Sketch, 01/21/1923