Deucalion and Pyrrha Create a New Human Race, from Les Métamorphoses, September 20, 1930, published 1931
Pablo Picasso
Settee, 1815–20
Artist unknown
Three People, a Mask, a Fox and a Bird, headpiece forLe sourire, 1899, printed and published 1921
Paul Gauguin
Three Trombonists, plate twelve from The Large Wedding-Dancers, 1538
Heinrich Aldegrever
The Three Look the Other Way, 1957
Alan Davie
Seated Girl Holding Mirror, Tang dynasty (618–907), first half of 8th century
Miya (Mia), from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)", c. 1806
Katsushika Hokusai
Courtesans Drawn in Osaka style (right), Kyoto style (center), and Edo style (left), from "Courtesans of the Three Capitals: A Set of Three (Sanga no tsu keisei sanpukutsui)", c. 1748
Okumura Masanobu
Art Institute by the Elevated Lines, c. 1924
Willard Frederic Elms
Jar, Tang dynasty (618–907), first half of 8th century
Soil (Woodblock) [Jo (Mokuhan)], 1959
Sato Hiromu
Andy Warhol, Artist, New York City, August 20, 1969, printed 1975
Richard Avedon
Akasaka, from the series "Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusan tsugi)", c. 1806
Katsushika Hokusai
Afternoon Tea Party, 1890–91
Mary Cassatt
Julius Caesar, plate three from The Nine Worthies, 1594
Nicolaes de Bruyn
Apollo on Parnassus, Surrounded by the Muses and Poets, 1517/20
Marcantonio Raimondi
Llanito, New Mexico, 1970
Danny Lyon
Zen Studies, plate three from Cold Mountain Series, 1990
Brice Marden