Executive Sessions Room of City Council, IV Floor; Balustrade, Attic, to 2nd Level; and Galleries, City Council Chambers, V and IV Floors, No. 41 from the portfolio "Old City Hall, Boston: A Photographic Portfolio" (1971), 1970, printed 1971
William Clift
Cages, City Clerk's Office, II Floor; Roller Files, City Clerk's Office, II Floor; and City Clerk's Office, II Floor, 1970, printed 1971
William Clift
The developments of the European economy have required Strasbourg to maintain its transit function, modernize the machines in its warehouses, increase the surface of its roads, and open new docks. These are placed south of the city at the mouth of the Grand Canal d'Alsace. From the top of the large silo, which was built a few years ago, one can see the powerful Central Thermonique N°2, recently built by Electricity of France, 1965-1975
Willy Ronis
John Q. Public visits the dump at 19th st. and Wolcott av. with James J. Creed, superintendent of the city dumps, and Mrs. Walter J. Kelly, head of the OCD's waste fats salvage division, where he is shown how tin cans picked up by city garbage trucks are deposited for shipment to detinning plants., 1943, published July 23, 1943
Vaughn Shoemaker
Attic Dome; View from Council Chamber Window; and Window and Grill, at City Hall Avenue, No. 31 from the portfolio "Old City Hall, Boston: A Photographic Portfolio" (1971), 1970, printed 1971
William Clift