Handle Spout Vessel Depicting Masturbation Scene, 100 BCE–500 CE
Elements of a Half Armor for Foot Tournament at the Barriers, c. 1590
Vessel in the Form of a Human Head, Probably a Trophy Head, 180 BCE–500 CE
Elements of an Armor for the Joust in the Italian Fashion, c. 1570
Bowl with Repeated Stepped Motif, 180 BCE–500 CE
Jousting Shield (Stecktarge) with the Coat of Arms of the City of Deggendorf, 1450/60
Raga Malkaushika, Page from a Jaipur Ragamala Set, c. 1750-1770
Poncho Displaying Contorted Figures, c. 200-150 BCE
Coiled Trumpet in the Form of a Wrinkled Animal Face, 100 BCE–500 CE
Chicago Bear Fans, South Chicago, 1986
James Iska
Ragini Bairari, Page from a Jaipur Ragamala Set, c. 1750-1770
Jar with Repeating Depiction of Trophy Heads, 180 BCE–500 CE
Miniature Vessel in the Form of a Portrait Head with Painted Cheeks, 100 BCE–500 CE
Stirrup Spout Vessel Incised with Anthropomorphic Fish, 100 BCE–500 CE
Miniature Portrait Jar of a Human Head with Face Painting, 100 BCE–500 CE
Skull, Badlands, South Dakota, May, 1936
Arthur Rothstein
Chest Painting, South Side Block Party, Chicago, 1986
Jay Wolke
Four Boys on Commercial Avenue, South Chicago, 1987
Antonio Perez
New Busan Tower, Busan, South Korea, Section, 2002
Patterns, Inc.
Queen Trishala Gives Birth to Mahavira, from a copy of the Kalpasutra, c. 1475-1500