The Damas (Maids of Honor) go from the Church to the Reception in a Ford Explorer limousine at Ruby's Quinceanera, Huntington Park, California, from the series "Girl Culture", 2001
Lauren Greenfield
Brandy Saucepan, 1787/88
Hester Bateman
Tetradrachm (Coin) Portraying Queen Cleopatra VII, 37-33 BCE, issued by Mark Antony
Ancient Roman
Courtesy Motel, Urbana, IL, 1998
Patty Carroll
Untitled, November 1984
Sal Lopes
Untitled, September 1984
Sal Lopes
Untitled, November 1986
Sal Lopes
Untitled, November 1985
Sal Lopes
Untitled, November 1986
Sal Lopes
Untitled, November 1986
Sal Lopes
Untitled, May 1985
Sal Lopes
Untitled, November 1983
Sal Lopes
Untitled, May 1983
Sal Lopes
Untitled, December 1986
Sal Lopes
Untitled, July 1983
Sal Lopes
Untitled, November 1986
Sal Lopes
Heirs Come to Pass, 3, 1991
Martina A. Lopez
Untitled, December 1986
Sal Lopes
Brig on the Water, 1856
Gustave Le Gray