Hangiri (Noh Costume), Meiji period (1868–1912), 1875/1900
Border (For a Skirt), 18th century
Fragment from a Chasuble, 1550/75
Buzi (Court Rank Badge), Qing dynasty (1644–1911), 1775/1800
Partially Worked Panel Intended as a Pillow Cover, 1910/15
Nonoluck Silk Company
Mina'i Lobed Bowl with a Seated Prince and Mythical Creatures, Seljuq dynasty (1037–1194), Late 12th/early 13th century
Spindrift (Furnishing Fabric), 1983
Jack Lenor Larsen Inc.
Fukusa (Gift Cover), Heisei period (1989–present), 1991
Akihiko Takemura
Panel (Probably used as a Pillow Cover), c. 1600
Scroll, Meiji period (1868–1912), c. 1880
Panel, c. 1897
Arthur Silver
Panel, 1925
Henri Stéphany
Woman's Qun (Skirt), 1880/90, Qing dynasty (1644–1911)