Bedcover, Late 17th century
Fragment, Arab period (641–969)/Fatimid period (969–1171)/Ayyubid period (1171–1250)/ Mamluk period (1250–1517), 9th/13th century
Black-White-Red, Designed 1926/27, woven 1965
Anni Albers
Woman with Female Servant in a Palace Garden, Yuan or early Ming dynasty, late 14th/15th century
Summer Kimono (Hitoe), About 1900–1916
Panel (From a Settee), 1745/55
Panel, c. 1736
Style of Jean Revel
Commemorative Bookmark "A Tribute of Affection", 19th century
Thomas Stevens
Chaekgeori, late 19th -early 20th century
Surihaku (Noh Costume), Edo period (1615–1868), 1775/1825
Panel (Dress or Furnishing Fabric), 1924
Léon Bakst
I Morosi Alla Finestra, 2002
Gio Ponti
Narrow Strip, 15th century
Fragment (Dress Fabric), 18th/19th century
Bill (Ronca), 16th century