Portière, 1901
George Washington Maher
Patolu, 18th/19th century
Le Feu (Fire), 1926
Françoise Clarinval
Lazy Leaves (Drapery Fabric), c. 1953
Ruth Adler Schnee
The Pheasants from the "Verdures of the Vatican" Series, c. 1799
Jean-Demosthene Dugourc
Cope with Hood and Orphrey Band, 1725/75
Fragment, 14th century
Tulip Armchair, 1955/57
Eero Saarinen
Fragment, 13th/14th century
Fragment (Dress Fabric), 1601/25
Fukusa (Gift Cover), early Shôwa period (1926–1989), 1926/40
Fragment (Border), Late 19th century
M. Jesurum & Cie.