Female Musician, Tang dynasty (A.D. 618–907), late 7th/early 8th century
Resting, c. 1887
Antonio Mancini
Celestial Beauty (Apsara) in Adoration, Champa period, about 1100
Sun God Surya Standing in His Chariot, Pala period, 10th/11th century
Statuette of a Female Figure, Early Bronze Age, 2600–2400 BCE
Ancient Greek
Torso of a Youth, 1st-2nd century
Ancient Roman
Fragments of Buddhist Sculpture at the Usuki Site, Oita, 1941
Hiratsuka Un'ichi
The Bay of Marseille, Seen from L'Estaque, c. 1885
Paul Cezanne
Alexandre-Simon Pataille, Modeled c. 1832/35, cast 1929/30
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Antlers, 1944
Alexander Calder
Under Tow, 2003
Gabriel Orozco
Panther Seizing a Stag, Modeled c. 1833, cast 1889
Antoine Louis Barye
Grapes, Lemons, Pears, and Apples, 1887
Vincent van Gogh
Water Lily Pond, 1917–19
Claude Monet
Colt Rearing, 1923
Renée Sintenis
Amor Caritas, Modeled 1897, cast after 1899
Augustus Saint-Gaudens
Untitled, 1980–89
Toshiko Takaezu
Wounded Lioness, 1840/50
Pierre Andrieu
Kannon Bosatsu, 12th/14th century
Judith, c. 1540
Jan Sanders van Hemessen