Series Roses Study 7, n.d.
Joan Taxay-Weinger
Tropics (Fruit Study), n.d.
Ray Yoshida
Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Christina Ramberg
Cosmoscape, 1960
Theodore Roszak
Ed Niehanke Adjusting the Grain Elevator on the Oldest John Deere 55, August 1976
Bill Woolston
Namble Pueblo, March 1967
Frank Barsotti
Untitled, from Screen Prints 1970, 1970
Richard Paulsen
Had Elizabeth Only Known, 1946
Edward Gorey
Untitled from the Yea God Family Commune, 2016
Joshi Radin
The Artist Unmasked, n.d.
Seymour Rosofsky
Drug Store, bethel, Missouri, 1954
Harold Allen
Self-Portrait with a Hair Dryer, 1964
Jack Beal
Courtyard on Wellington Street, 1980
Dirk Bakker
South Side Junkyard, 1980
Dirk Bakker
Sand Nigger Barbie Loaded, 2005/06
Ben T Ali
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Upton Beach House, St. Joseph, Michigan, Elevations, 1937
Paul Schweikher
Untitled, (Il renonce au coit...), 1970
Nancy Spero
Boomerang (Furnishing Fabric), 1946 (produced and reprinted 1988)
Ben Rose
Six Episodes-Monarch #VIII, 1979
Ellen Lanyon