Jar, 2nd-3rd century
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting Constantinople, 330-335
Ancient Roman
Denarius (Coin) Depicting the God Apollo, 49 BCE
Ancient Roman
As (Coin) Portraying Emperor Marcus Aurelius, December 177-December 178
Ancient Roman
Sestertius (Coin) Portraying Lucilla, 164
Ancient Roman
Denarius (Coin) Depicting the Goddess Concordia, about 62 BCE
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Empress Salonina, 264-265
Ancient Roman
Fragment, Roman period (30 B.C.– 641 A.D.), 4th/6th century
Fragment, Roman period (30 B.C.– 641 A.D.)/Arab period (641–969), 4th/8th century
Roundel, Roman period (30 B.C.– 641 A.D.)/Arab period (641–969), 5th/8th century
Fragment, Roman period (30 B.C.– 641 A.D.)/Arab period (641–969), 6th/7th century
Fragment from a Royal Overskirt (ncaka kot), Probably early 19th century and possibly as early as the 18th century
Coin Portraying Emperor Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus (Maximian or Maximianus I), 286/305
Ancient Roman
Mosaic Floor Panel Depicting a Personification of a Season, 2nd century
Ancient Roman
Fragment, Roman period (30 B.C.– 641 A.D.)/Arab period (641–969), 6th/7th century
As (Coin) Portraying Emperor Galerius, 305-311
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Emperor Constantius II, 337-361
Ancient Roman
Coin Portraying Emperor Constantius I, 3rd-4th century
Ancient Roman
Coin Depicting the God Zeus, 247-222 BCE, issued by Ptolemy III
Ancient Greek
Menelaus Holding the Body of Patroclus, n.d.
Giulio Romano