Famous Artists from Chicago, 1970
Roger Brown
Brindey Road, Paddington, 1957
Roger Mayne
Roger and Angelica Mounted on the Hippogriff, Modeled c. 1840, cast c. 1884
Antoine Louis Barye
20 Years of Solitude, 1993
Anselm Kiefer
False Image, 1969
Roger Brown
Captain Verschoyle, Grenadier Guards (an Early Photographer), Taken at the Crimea, 1855
Roger Fenton
Family Tree Mourning Print, 1987
Roger Brown
Talk Show Addicts, 1993
Roger Brown
Teddy boy and girl, Petticoat Lane, 1956
Roger Mayne
Giotto in Chicago, 1981
Roger Brown
False Image Decals, 1969
Roger Brown
A Council of War: Lord Raglan, Omar Pacha and Pelissier, Taken the eve Before the Taking of the Mankelen, Crimea, 1855
Roger Fenton
a short introduction, 1968, printed 1970
Roger Brown
Museum of What's Happening Now, 1992
Roger Brown
Untitled, c. 1929
Roger Parry
A Quiet Day in the Mortar Battery, 1855
Roger Fenton
Famous Artists from Chicago, 1970
Roger Brown
Memories of Childhood, 1999
Roger Shimomura
Amenophis (Dress or Furnishing Fabric), 1913
Roger Eliot Fry
False Image, 1969
Roger Brown