Untitled, c. 1964
Roger Vail
Untitled, 1967
Roger Mertin
Mission Street, San Francisco., Spring 1971
Roger Vail
Gas station, Mission Street, San Francisco, Spring 1971
Roger Vail
Theater Row (#4), 1968
Roger Brown
Theater Row (#2), 1968
Roger Brown
Untitled, 1959/68
Roger Malloch
Untitled, 1959/68
Roger Malloch
Untitled, 1959/68
Roger Malloch
Untitled, 1959/68
Roger Malloch
Untitled, 1959/68
Roger Malloch
Seated Workman, 1960
Roger Baker
McCormick Place, Chicago, 1966
Roger Vail
Oakton Park, 1966
Roger Vail
Untitled, c. 1930
Roger Parry
Carrara #5, 1983
Roger Vail
Artillery Waggons, Balaklava in the Distance, 1855
Roger Fenton
Men of the 77th ready for the Trenches, 1855
Roger Fenton
Marshal Pélissier, 1855
Roger Fenton
Untitled, 1855
Roger Fenton