One of a Pair of Yellow and Iron-Red 'Dragon' Bowls, Qing dynasty (1644–1912), Qianlong period (1736–1795)
Personnage, 1967
Review of Troops, n.d.
Georg Philipp Rugendas, I
Shepherd Boy with Lambs in Woods, n.d.
George Morland
Desk and Bookcase, 1750–70
Artist unknown
Yellow Grid, Red Circles, Blue and Black Arcs From Opposite Sides, 1972
Sol LeWitt
Saints Apollonia, Barbara, and Agatha, 1490/1500
Master Alejo (Alejo Andía?)
Untitled, plate VII from The Mirrored Couple, 1961
Joyce Wahl Treiman
Academic Nude, n.d.
Alexandre Cabanel
Cattle and Sheep with Herdsman in Rocky Landscape, n.d.
Johann Heinrich Roos
Nancy Outside in July XXI: The Red Frame, 1981
Jim Dine
Veneration, after 1698
Eduardus Jacobus
Head of Old Man in Profile to Right, n.d.
Follower of Simone Cantarini
Man with Book Surrounded by Putti, n.d.
Follower of Michelangelo Buonarroti
Bottle Vase with Dragons amid Clouds, Chasing Flaming Pearls; Pendant Ruyi; Lingzhi Scrolls; Upright Leaves and Petal Panels; and Florets Encircling Foot, Qing dynasty (1644–1911), Qianlong reign mark and period (1736–1795)
The Infant Krishna Killing the Ogress Putana, 17th century
Bottle-Shaped Vase with Archaic Vessels, Inscriptions and Scene from the "Red Cliff" and Phoenix Roundels, Qing dynasty (1644–1911)
Peoples Savings Bank, Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Basement Plan, 1909/11